1956 - 1966
During this time there was more political advancement in Botswana than social or economic. A peaceful election was held in March 1965 and Seretse Khama became the first President of Botswana in September 1966. This was an amazingly peaceful transition with both sides (British and Bostwanan) working together to achieve the end goal. A number of key British Public Servants were actually kept on in order to help with the transfer of power, including the Minister of Finance and the Attorney General.
1966 - 1980
Sir Seretse Khama ruled Botswana. Initially a poor country, for the first few years they required assistance from the British however this was soon put to the side when mining operations began after the discovery of diamonds. The 70's saw Botswana prosper by approximately 10-12% per year whilst its neighbours dissolved into wars and apartheid. Sir Seretse Khama died in 1980 having ruled through one of the most turbulent times for Botswana which it came through successfully with fair and democratic elections.
1980 - 1998
Saw the rule of President Sir Ketumile Masire who inherited a stable and prosperous country from his predecessor. Tensions throughout his rule did become slightly more fractious as South Africa's apartheid rule was challenged by the world. This did slightly disrupt Botswana's peace however stability was not affected.
In 1885 Botswana was granted protection by the British who backed a millionaire businessman and politician, Cecil Rhodes. In 1889 Rhodes created the British South Africa Company (BASC) with the idea of linking the Cape to Cairo with land under British control with the aim of reaping the mineral benefits along the way. These minerals were worth vast sums of money and included vast gold deposits and diamond mines that were often obtained through fraudulent means as "treaties" and "contracts" were signed by non-existent chiefs and land owners...1895 bought about a case against the British government for the action of Rhodes as three Batswana Chiefs complained they had been tricked into giving up their land which was even against their local Setswana law and traditions. A campaign was started (backed by a Missionary Society) which eventually forced the government to agree to the terms imposed by the Chiefs as long as Rhodes was still granted access for the railway line to transport his minerals.
Not soon after this in 1895, Rhodes found a reason to raid the region. Named the "Jameson Raid" (after it was led by Dr Jameson!) it was not successful, and, the British Government, frustrated by Rhodes bringing their name into disrepute refused to transfer the region to BASC control and also removed control of the Tswana lands. It was this failed raid that ensured Botswana's independent future.
1998 - 2008
Vice President Festus Mogae was inaugurated being replaced in April 2008 by the son of Sir Seretse Khama (Botswana's first President), Lt General Seretse Ian Khama.