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AECO Regulations: Protecting Svalbard's Wildlife and Environment

AECO guidelines are vital for preserving Svalbard’s fragile ecosystem, but they won’t diminish your adventure. Instead, they open up exciting opportunities to explore untouched areas and discover more of Svalbard’s incredible wildlife and landscapes. There’s so much more to experience—these regulations make it possible to do so responsibly.

At Natural World Safaris we are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our guests, whilst being committed to protecting the fragile Arctic environment in which we operate. Part of this commitment is to adhere to guidelines put in place by the Svalbard Government and AECO (Association of Arctic Cruise Operators). From 1 January 2025, new regulations will come into force in Svalbard, which applies to ALL ship operators.

These only apply, when operating within 12 miles off the Coast of Svalbard. Our exact route will depend on ice, weather conditions and wildlife. Flexibility is the key to a successful expedition!

Guidelines include:

  • Prohibition of landings in protected areas, except for 43 designated landing sites
  • Minimum distance from Polar Bears of 500 meters between March 1st and June 30th
  • Minimum distance from Polar Bears of 300 meters between July 1st and February 28th
  • Prohibition of disturbing/actively seeking/luring Polar Bears
  • Speed limitation imposed within 500 meters of Bird Cliffs between April 1st and August 31st
  • A minimum distance of 150 meters from walrus haul out sites
  • The use of drones is banned in all protected areas
  • Passenger limit of 200 in National Parks and Eastern Svalbard National Reserves
  • Breaking of fast ice is prohibited
SVA Sl Svalbard Kinfish May Credit Chase Teron

Contact a Svalbard Specialist Today

AECO Members

As full AECO members, we believe that the strengthening of current regulations regarding wildlife and landing sites, will not diminish the true beauty of the Svalbard wilderness.

Its wildlife is rich and diverse with walrus, whales, arctic foxes, incredible birdlife, flora/fauna and still remains one of the best places to see polar bears on the planet. Plus, it’s fascinating polar expedition history and geology.

As a small 12-passenger ship, new regulations will undoubtedly impact us less. Like true Arctic explorers we have flexibility to remain dynamic in our planning and the focus on expedition and zodiac cruising will continue to allow for remarkable sightings, especially with new opportunities to explore and discover new landing sites and sightings outside of the protected areas.

With the guidance of our experienced crew and knowledgeable expedition leaders we are confident you will have the same profound Arctic experience with many memories to take home, along with a new appreciation for what it takes to operate in Svalbard’s unique ecosystem with a respectful and thoughtful approach which contributes to its preservation.

Contact a Svalbard Specialist Today