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Beluga Whales


Spotting belugas from the floe edge, your guide quickly readies your kayak and prepares for an impending voyage as you pull on your life jacket, as quickly and quietly as possible. You slowly lower yourself into the wild Arctic waters, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, as you admire the playfully elegant creatures gliding through the water. They begin to come closer, intrigued by your presence and you start to realise what all the fuss is about when it comes to seeing whales in the wild.

Kayaking with belugas is just one of the ways in which you can experience these wonderful animals. Watch from the shore, a dinghy, your expedition ship or even from a small plane as they swim in unison close to the ocean surface.

Where do Belugas Live?

Beluga whales live in the Arctic Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere and can be seen in Canada, Greenland, Alaska and Russia.

WHA St Arctic Canada Beluga Whale J Helgason
WHA St Arctic Canada Beluga Whale Andrea Izzotti


We are experienced in creating whale watching holidays and highly skilled in getting you to the right place at the right time to experience the beluga whales, having scoured for the best areas and guides. Beluga whale watching will usually be on one of our polar bear safari holidays and can include a variety of other activities as well. There is something available for everyone, whether you want to get in the water yourself or prefer to admire these beautiful creatures from afar.

The Beluga Whale

  • These small, toothed whales are known for their unique colouring, along with their distinct shape, including a rather prominent forehead, making them easily recognisable. One of two species in the family Monodontidae, alongside the narwhal, they are social animals, hanging out in pods of different sizes, ranging from two to twenty five. Pods often join together to migrate, creating spectacular amounts of white whales all in one place, reaching number of up to 10,000. Enemies of the beluga include hunters, polar bears and orcas.
  • Born brown, their skin gradually lightens as they age, reaching the famous pure white colour at about seven years of age. Calves are born at a size of about 4-5 feet, and will swim instinctively to the surface within 10 seconds to take their first breath. Belugas are relatively slow in the water, usually swimming at a leisurely pace of two to six miles per hour.
  • Belugas are very vocal, making a range of sounds including clicks, whistles, and chatter, that can often be heard above the water. Beluga songs are used to communicate with other belugas and help them to locate prey, breathing holes in ice sheets, and to navigate deep, dark water. The melon (the round area seen at the top of their head) of the beluga, thought to be used in echolocation, actually changes shape during these vocalisations, seemingly at will.

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