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Byron Thomas

Senior Destination Specialist

My love for animals and birds started at a very early age. Having been born in Scotland to Rhodesian parents, my family's move back to Africa was the start of a lifelong passionate desire to help care for the biodiversity on our planet; people, flora and fauna (too often we forget that humans are part of biodiversity too). After spending most of my 20ties in volunteer construction work in South Africa’s less privileged township areas, I moved to London and started my career in travel. Since early 2012, I have had the immense privilege of visiting almost all continents. prioritising the ones with the best birds or curious animals. The highlights of my travels, most of which have been focused on the African continent, are seeing gorillas and climbing active volcanoes with the incredible guardians of the DR Congo’s Virunga National Park, and spending time in Brazil’s rainforests and savannah areas, spotting maned wolves with the incredible people of Oncafari.18 Polar bears on a single expedition in the icy waters north of Svalbard is the most recent addition to my most memorable experiences. With over 12 years of experience in high-end bespoke travel, I am a Senior Destination Specialist here at Natural World Safaris, based in one of the most beautiful natural cities in the world, Cape Town.

What is your first travel-related memory?

This would have to be a road trip we did to Hwange National Park when I was 12. We had a cool fold-over trailer tent (picture half caravan half tent), which we pitched in the park, close to a huge hole in the fence (which captured my imagination as a kid). The first time I had ever heard lions roaring at night, they had taken a zebra close to camp and so there was a cacophony of zebra, hyena and lion that I will never forget.

What is your most memorable wildlife encounter?

I once came around a corner and met my favourite animal, the honey badger, one at about 1m distance. The badger really did not care in the least, and was very polite and carried on his little merry way.

If you could do just one NWS safari, which one would it be and why?

Chad, easy. Always wanted to get to Zakouma National Park.

Why do you travel?

I believe humans need nature more than we realise. I love the natural world so much, and I believe that travel is probably the only way we can keep hold of the tiny bits of true nature we have left.

Aside from travelling, how do you maintain your connection to the natural world?

I swim, run, surf and cycle everywhere I can. Anywhere, anytime. From the Arctic's frigid waters to running with (way faster) locals in Kenya, to cycling in the often windy Cape Peninsula at home in Cape Town.

How many countries and continents have you visited?

I have lost count, and, to be honest, I don't count. Every continent except Antarctica, maybe 50+ countries?

Do you have any travel habits or rituals?

Not really. I just pride myself on ALWAYS only having hand luggage - even if its a long trip, cold etc. I can still pack all I need into a backpack and small camera bag.

What is your favourite souvenir from your travels?

I have a little piece of honeycomb magma from a volcano in the DRC. I love that place, and that always reminds me of the people out there looking after that spot.

What is the best travel advice you have received?

Expectations are premeditated disappointments ( applies to travel and life).

What's the farthest away from "civilisation" that you've been?

Probably Palau, Micronesia?

Which little-known creatures turned out to be an unexpected safari highlight for you?

(Big fan of small things here). I recently saw a spider in Svalbard that I thought was very cool. A giant green pill bug in Madagascar was so cool as well. My ''littlest'' favourite animal that I have still not seen is a marsupial that lives in the Patagonian rain forests ... Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides)

If you were going on a round-the-world trip and could invite anyone from history, living or dead, who would they be and why?

Easy. My travel hero, Marianne North. I want to learn how to draw like her, and would love to hear her travel stories!

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