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In the Press

At Natural World Safaris we are proud of the extraordinary journeys we create and are thrilled that our clients, the press and travel industry all agree. Thanks to our obsession with wildlife, exemplary knowledge of the destinations we sell, high standards of customer service and reputation throughout the natural world community, we are recognised as leaders in our field.

We frequently feature in the press around the glove for our innovative and immersive wildlife safaris, receiving rave reviews from some of the world’s most respected travel writers and prestigious publications. We are best known for putting our clients in the right place at the right time for extraordinary wildlife encounters and the same goes for journalists who have travelled with us too.

Michelle Jana Chan on Gorongosa, writing for The Telegraph

"The wild, empty safari destination you must visit before the crowds arrive"

"This stillness, this hush is the hallmark of a trip to Gorongosa, where you invariably have the place to yourself. At daybreak, there is no roar of safari vehicles heading into the bush, nor the one-upmanship chatter of who saw what. Instead there is a quietude, the feeling of remoteness, a wilderness that is increasingly hard to find. Like the good old safari days when you could drive for days and kid yourself that you might be the only person left on the planet. I didn’t come across any other tourists until my fth day. Gorongosa feels unsung, forgotten."

Read the article here

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Risa Merl ventures to the Arctic Circle to Swim with Orcas, writing for BOAT International

"We can go to places that the dayboats can't"

"One of the joys of taking part in a yacht-based orca excursion with Natural World Safaris is the luxury of time. Each evening our guides teach us about the whales and their habitat, and over the course of five days our aim is to swim with orcas and humpback whales as many times as possible."0

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Sophy Roberts on Madagascar, writing for Condé Nast Traveller

"Madagascar: The Greatest Adventure You Haven't Had Yet"

"At first I hesitate, as though I’m trespassing, a tremor crawling up my spine. But I also like the feeling of the unknown­. A medicine for leukemia is derived from the Madagascar periwinkle. Maybe the forest hides cures for more: Could the human coma be unlocked by the fat-tailed dwarf lemur, the only primate to estivate for seven months of the year? Madagascar leaves you with the sense there is something left to be found."

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Michelle Jana Chan on Timor-Leste, writing for The Telegraph

"The forgotten tropical outpost on the brink of a tourism boom"

"Credit some of the most powerful movements of water on the planet, a current that connects the Indian and Pacific Oceans on a zig-zag through the archipelagoes of Indonesia and the Philippines. Astonishingly, 80 per cent of that water whizzes north past Timor. The sea is dramatically deep just offshore, several kilometres down, with underwater rocky shelves generating upwellings and pushing up nutrients, giving rise to feeding and migrating bottlenecks."

Read the article here

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