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Andasibe National Park

MAD St Madagascar Andasibe National Park Parsons Chameleon Shutterstock Artush

Andasibe National Park

Probably one of the best lemur experiences in the world, Andasibe National Park is the best place to spot the Indri, the largest living lemur! The park is separated into two distinct areas, Speciale d’Analamazaotra (usually known as Perinet - the old name of a French nearby town and rail station) to the south, and Park National de Mantidia to the north. Created in 1989, it encompasses the same humid lush forest throughout, covered with moss and trees, peppered with over 100 extraordinary orchid species and dotted with lakes.

Being close to the capital with a good road structure means that this is a popular park, especially as it is open all year round and almost guarantees lemur sightings. The eerie, yet beautiful call of the Indri can be heard over a mile from the park, building up the excitement. Seeing them in the wild is always an exhilarating experience; their strong legs carrying them from branch to branch, feet rarely touching the floor. The Indri will bark when confronted with danger and make kissing sounds when being affectionate, matching its endearing teddy bear-like appearance, similar to a human crossed with a panda. Andasibe is also home to some wonderful reptile and amphibian species, including the enormous Parson’s chameleon and the tiny nose-horned chameleon, as well as the majestic infamous boa manditia and a myriad of frogs. The colourful wildlife is topped off with more than 100 bird species and hundreds of insects, including some amazingly huge, brightly marked butterflies.

Where to Stay: Mantadia Lodge

Mantadia Lodge is perfectly situated for exploring Andasibe and Mantadia National Parks and its elevated position allows for panoramic views over the rainforest. This modern hotel has 25 rooms which are equipped with WiFi and a wood stove which is perfect for keeping warm in cooler months. The lodge also has a pleasant swimming pool and a restaurant which serves delicious local fare with a French twist.

MAD St Madagascar Andasibe National Park Verraux Sifika Lemur Shutterstock Luca Nichetti
  • Wildlife spotting: many chameleons and more than a dozen lemur species can be found here (13 is the current count).
  • The Largest Lemur: it is estimated that over 60 Indri families live in this park and the echoes of their haunting whale like call can often be heard.
  • Conservation: support a worthy conservation effort and book the night walk in the Mitsinjo Forest Reserve seeking out nocturnal lemurs and hone your skills at spotting chameleons, much easier to do at night as they glow white in the torchlight.
  • Did you know: the Parsons Chameleon can be found here, the largest chameleon in the world.

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